About the Journal

The official publication of the annual women's conference, which is coordinated by iConferences in cooperation with several academic institutions worldwide, is the International Conference on Women conference proceedings. 

The goal of the international conference is to provide a platform for a range of perspectives on issues that affect many women, such as women's rights, equality, violence, leadership, and feminism. The goal of the conference proceedings, which are organized by the annual women's conference, is to publish original research, particularly from early-career researchers, in the areas of quantitative, qualitative, longitudinal, cross-sectional, comparative, and historical study addressing the aforementioned topics.

The proceedings of the international conference on women are open access, which means that anybody can read them. 

All full papers sent for the conference proceeding were subjected to a double-blind peer-reviewing process and published electronically with an ISSN 3051-5084 in the proceeding with a DOI number (DOI prefix: 10.32789). The proceedings of the international conference on women do not charge authors for publication and will be indexed in CrossRef and Google Scholar. 

Accepted papers for publication in conference proceedings will be submitted for potential indexing to reputable indexing databases such as Clarivate Analysis, Scopus, and others.