Grade 8 Students’ Level of Conceptual Understanding of Electric Circuits Using Virtual Manipulative
Conceptual understanding, electric circuits, virtual manipulatives, interactive simulationsAbstract
The challenge to Physics teachers is finding ways to address students’ alternative conceptions and misconceptions. Traditional instruction often fails to change these ideas because students deeply hold them. In this study, we report the effects of using virtual manipulatives on students’ conceptual understanding of the topic, electricity. In learning the concepts on DC circuits, energy, current-voltage-resistance relationship, and potential difference, the students used the Physics Education Technology (PhET) interactive simulations project of the University of Colorado, particularly the Circuit Construction Kit DC Virtual Lab simulation app. The virtual activities that the students conducted were able to augment the class discussion. The results of the post-instruction administration of the assessment instrument, Determining and Interpreting Resistive Electric Circuits Test (DIRECT), revealed that the simulations helped the students analyze the physical aspects of electric circuits. Technology integration in classroom discussion of electric circuits effectively engaged students to learn more about Physics concepts.